Signals of the two sessions: Manufacturing Upgrading promotes the development of green industrial buildings

    The government work report of the two sessions in 2019 proposed to reduce the current tax rate of 16% in manufacturing and other industries to 13%, promote the high-quality development of manufacturing industry and speed up the construction of a manufacturing power. It can be predicted that under the new situation, green industrial buildings will also enter the fast lane, and the integrated application of emerging green industrial building appropriate technology and green industrial building technology will be vigorously developed.

    Large scale development and green operation

    The large-scale promotion of green industrial buildings will be carried out throughout the country. From 2019, new industrial buildings will implement the star standard of green industrial buildings step by step, and continuously improve the overall green level. Vigorously promote the operation of green industrial buildings, promote market-oriented service mechanisms such as contract energy management and carbon trading, make full use of modern information technology, improve the level of intelligent and refined operation, and ensure the environmental and economic benefits of green industrial buildings.

    Explore the green transformation of industrial buildings

    Guide the transformation and upgrading of existing industrial buildings in combination with production lines, focus on improving the level of resource and energy conservation, reducing the impact on the surrounding environment and strengthening pollutant control, and create a healthy and safe indoor working environment, so as to transform them into green industrial buildings. The reconstructed and expanded buildings shall at least meet the one-star standard of green industrial buildings from 2019 and at least meet the two-star standard from 2025.

    Further promote the application of renewable energy resources

    Promote the application of renewable energy in industrial buildings. Focus on promoting building integrated solar photovoltaic system, encourage new buildings to adopt distributed solar photovoltaic system, strive to realize the direct and reasonable allocation of regional photovoltaic power generation and building power, and improve energy efficiency.

    Vigorously develop prefabricated industrial buildings

    Promote the application of steel structure in industrial plants, strengthen the application of other prefabricated building technologies, and form an integrated application mode of prefabricated buildings in line with the characteristics of industrial buildings. Actively promote the "design procurement construction" (EPC) general contracting or "design construction" (DB) general contracting modes, explore the unified management and in-depth integration of engineering design, component production, construction and procurement, and optimize the project management mode.

    Promote green construction

    According to the characteristics of industrial building construction, promote green construction and realize the greening of the construction process. Strictly implement the responsibilities of construction enterprises, prepare and implement green construction schemes, strengthen process assessment and evaluation, strengthen environmental protection during construction, promote energy and resource conservation during construction, and strengthen on-site power saving, water saving and material saving management. Strengthen the management of green building construction process, carry out special disclosure of key contents of green industrial buildings, and effectively ensure the quality of green building construction.

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