Five trends of construction industry: BIM standard speeds up information construction

    At the beginning of the new year, work began in all walks of life. In 2019, construction enterprises will face more challenges of transformation and upgrading. Recently, the construction Times published five forecasts of the construction industry to explore the development trend.

    Forecast 1: accelerated development of prefabricated buildings

    According to the goals set out in the 13th five year plan of action for prefabricated buildings, the proportion of prefabricated buildings in new buildings will reach more than 15% by 2020. At the end of 2017, the Ministry of housing and urban rural development announced the first batch of prefabricated building demonstration cities and demonstration industrial bases, saying that the country will actively promote the development of prefabricated buildings, or it may indicate that the transformation and upgrading of the construction industry is imminent. It is expected that in the next few years, the cultivation of prefabricated construction industry system will be accelerated through government guidance and independent innovation of enterprises.

    Forecast 2: accelerating the construction of informatization in the construction industry

    For a long time, the lack of unified BIM standard is one of the main obstacles restricting the application and development of Bim in China's construction industry. Without a unified BIM standard, it is impossible to realize information sharing and collaborative work, and there is no unified standard for software development. The standard for construction application of building information model (GB / t51235-2017) issued by the Ministry of housing and urban rural development has been implemented since January 1, 2018. The introduction of BIM standard solves the organic unity of BLM model drawing, calculation and data management, and truly realizes the full life cycle application of BLM model in design, construction, operation and maintenance. The project participants' enthusiasm for BIM Technology R & D investment and talent training is also increasing day by day.

    Forecast 3: the "going out" of construction enterprises will usher in a golden development period

    One belt, one road, along the border, has lagged behind infrastructure and has strong demand for infrastructure. One belt, one road, will be the growth point and driving force for the development of foreign contracted projects, according to the Asian Development Bank report. From 2016 to 2030, the demand for infrastructure in Asia is expected to exceed US $22 trillion and 600 billion, and the average annual capital construction demand exceeds 1 trillion and 500 billion US dollars. One belt, one road, was signed by 61 enterprises in July 2018. According to statistics from Ministry of Commerce, 2240 contracts for foreign contracted projects were signed in the newly signed contracts in 57 billion 110 million countries. One belt, one road, is the key to the construction of infrastructure projects in China.

    Forecast 4: professionalization of construction workers

    In November 2017, the Ministry of housing and urban rural development officially issued the guidance on cultivating the workforce of construction industry in the new era (Exposure Draft), promoting the transformation of migrant workers in the construction industry into construction workers. By 2025, the skills and quality of construction workers will be greatly improved, and the number of construction workers above intermediate level will reach 10 million, so as to build a knowledge-based, skilled An innovative workforce in the construction industry. In 2019, construction enterprises will pay more attention to the training of construction employees, strengthen the training and absorption of a certain number of self owned skilled workers, develop the existing labor service enterprises to specialization, and establish professional enterprises focusing on operation, such as carpentry, electrician, masonry, steel bar making, etc; We will implement the real name management of construction labor employment and basically establish a national construction worker management service information platform.

    Forecast V: acceleration of EPC

    In recent years, the state has been promoting the development of EPC mode. In 2017, the national standard code for general contracting management of construction projects was issued to further improve the general contracting system. In the future, the system of EPC mode will be gradually improved, and the development of EPC mode will be accelerated. Construction enterprises with considerable strength must comply with the general trend of development, integrate enterprise resources, improve project comprehensive management ability and design ability, establish a new procurement system and transform to the general contracting business model.

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